Locals in Pader and Agago districts are questioning the recruitment processes that have seen many left out from the shortlist that came out recently despite the high turn up from the youths and other categories of people.
A total of 48 applicants have been shortlisted from Pader and Agago having 80 applicants.
A local known as Lamony Acuru, a resident of Acuru in Agengo sub-county, Agago district says that they are not happy with the recruitment processes of the LDU. He adds that one of the factors that must be removed is the issue of age that anoints people a lot.
Joseph Odong, a resident of Otok in Pajule, Pader district says his concern is about the level of education one has to attain to qualify for consideration of being shortlisted. He suggested the level be reduced to a primary certificate other than the ordinary level certificate.
However, Emmanuel Okwera, Pader deputy resident district commissioner says that age and educational requirements are the major today’s employment factors. He adds that there is competition in today’s world and encourages youths to attain a high level of education for them to survive in the competitive world.
According to Okware, the government cannot recruit people who are ageing yet the jobs need fresh and warm blood so that their future is shaped with experience concerning the country’s background.
There was really typical corruption.. those officers at acholi pii transported their relatives from all junctions in uganda and brought them to acholpii and for sure these locals are not telling lies....RDC should not cover his behind since they're the one concern with This