Leaders in Pader district have declined to take responsibility for any implications which will be realized during the lockdown that the school-going children are at home as parents are the immediate supervisors of their children.
Many concerns were raised on the issue of rampant pregnancies among the school-going children during the first lockdown in March 2020, and this brought in issues as concerns the second lockdown in June 2021.
However, when contacted over the issues, Kilama Fearless Wod-Acholi says that those parents must learn to play their roles as parents instead of coming out with such a statement. He added that the parents should tell their children the dangers of early pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
Kilama further said that children who are at home must also be assertive and read their books because education is still there.
Meanwhile, Obwoya Fearless Oyat, Pader district chairperson says that he is really ashamed to hear the parents complaining about the lockdown in relation to their children’s pregnancies. He added that these children who are practising such acts must refrain from it and focus on books.
Oyat said the lockdown was put in place to curb and help in the fight of the covid-19, and not promote teenage pregnancies in communities.
Parenting roles is among the tedious now days, gone are the days when one is praised for producing many children, we should begin honoring those who upbring their children properly . First, parents need to know the current standings and it's associated effects on the young minds for them to guide their children accordingly, as teachers are first trained individuals before they're teachers