Councillors in Pader town council during a full council meeting have shown interest and are fighting for slots that their name is used in the naming of the streets in the town council for their contribution towards the development of the district.
Several streets in the town council have been given names to people who have effortlessly worked towards the growth of the district.
Some of the roads named after some prominent leaders include; E.Y Komakech Road, Lakomekech Road, Obol-Akal Road among others.
Peter Odwar, councillor Luna parish says that he has effortlessly worked in the past regime as the speaker of the town council and he deserves one of the streets to be named after him. He adds that the criteria use to name the streets really puzzle him and it must be explained.
Pader town council Mayor, Fearless Kilama Wod-Acholi in response to the above issues says that there are roads that were named for a long time and it wasn’t named in his regime. He adds that they are now following what has been written down by the past leaders.
Wod-Acholi adds that naming of the roads is a collective responsibility of all the leaders and time needs to be given since it's not a one-day thing as they seek to formalize the process.