PALNHAs launching its plan at Wellspring hotel, Gulu city
The Platform for Local and National Humanitarian Actors (PALNHAs) on 21st July 2022 launched its coordination and advocacy plan from Wellspring hotel in Gulu city.
Gulu city deputy speaker, Mr. Lambart Lamex Akena was the invited chief guest at the function along with the guest speaker, Mr. James Passi Ogiki Ochola, Lamwo district speaker.
Mr. James Okello, the executive director for Northern Uganda Widows and Orphans Support Organization (NUWOSO) who is currently hosting the PALNHAs during the launch of the platform tasked the members of the platform to represent the organization. He further applauded the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) who are funding the five-year project.
Mr. George Odong Otoo, the coordinator for Pader district NGO Forum reminded the participants that the core activities of the platform are to advocate for the local organization to enable them to support the lives in the community.
"There are touching concerns in the community that are yet to be handled and can be handled by the local organization better than the international or the national," Mr. Odong added.
Mr. Akena, the Gulu city deputy speaker urged the member partners to coordinate with the political leaders for better output of the desired goals and objectives aligned.
He further highlighted the members to practice transparency as it’s the only way to go for the betterment of the organization.

Mr. Akena, the Gulu city deputy speaker speaks during the launch of the PALNHAs
PALNHAs were started in 2018 by the Local and National Humanitarian Actors (LNHAs) in the Acholi region with the aims to coordinate, network, and facilitate the LNHAs in the Acholi region for meaningful engagement in humanitarian preparedness and response, advocacy, and Influencing localization agenda.