The inspectorate of the government of Uganda has warned the beneficiaries and the focal people who are implementing the government projects not to personalize the projects or the assets being given to the community.
This warning comes as the financial year 2020/2021 has ended mostly to the groups that have received funding for their projects under the Northern Uganda Social Action Fund (NUSAF – 3).
Penywii James Onying, director of Operation of the inspectorate of government says that various groups have received funding for various projects which included sustainable livelihood among others. He added that all this money that was given to people was borrowed from the World Bank though it didn’t benefit all people.
Penywii further added that all this funding has stopped as the government financial calendar also closes every June/July period, and this calls for investigations on the projects funded by the government.
According to Penywii, all the benefits of these funded projects must be sustained because all these project inputs include the ox plough, oxen, and many more to generate incomes. He however added that some people may decide to sell the inputs, or personalize the inputs but rather invite arrest because all these inputs are government assets that will be followed by IGG and arrest you.