People recovering from the covid-19 are calling upon the general public and leaders to intervene and help them as there is an increase in the level of stigmatization among the locals hence making their life difficult.
One of the recovered patients who preferred anonymity says that they are really faced with difficult situations while living among the people. He added that they are being segregated from the general public with the perception that they are still sick with covid-19.
According to him, this may lead to serious issues once the person is not comforted and handled carefully. He adds that this could lead to trauma and even death.
Justine Ocen, Pader district secretary of health who also doubles as the district vice chairperson says that people must learn to behave well to recovered covid-19 patients. He urges people not to stigmatize since covid-19 is a threat to everybody and that nobody contracts it intentionally.
However, he appealed to the general public to beware of the presence of the covid-19 which is still killing people worldwide, and they should practice standard operating procedures put in place by the ministry of health to help in the fight against the spread of the disease.