By, Kinyera Anthony Lakomekec,
Agago district,
Tuesday, 24th February 2022.
Police in Agago district are investigating an alleged raids and shootings reported to have been conducted by the armed Karimojong men at Omoro-layita 05 Army detach in Omiya pacwa Sub-County, injuring on the leg of one person.
Acan Judith, aged 22 years, a resident and a house wife to private Tuka Martine is currently admitted at Kalongo hospital nursing injuries sustaining from the gun shot.
A case of wounding by shooting has been registered at Kalongo police station in Agago District under SD REF. 15/23/02/2022 as reported by No. 271159 private Tuka, a UPDF officer.
ASP Ongom David Mudong Pro Aswa-river said stated that on 21/02/2022 at around midnight, it's alleged that a group of suspected armed Karimojong warriors attacked Omoro-layita 05 Army detach in Omiya Pacwa Sub-County, shooting and injuring on the leg one Acan.
He added that as there are no clear motives yet established in regard to this incident, it's suspected that the armed warriors wanted to gain access to the firearms from the detachment.
According to Mudong, Statements so far have been recorded from the soldiers within the detach to guide in investigation, no suspect yet arrested in connection to this incident as further inquiries is ongoing.
Mudong further warned the locals to emphasize on high levels of vigilance by timely reporting suspicious groups of people in their areas. He continued and stated that it is also important to note that, the current ongoing disarmament exercise in Karamoja has left many of the targeted armed warriors to flee and have extended their criminal activities of cattle raids and unjustifiable killings of innocent people from the neighboring districts.
He said the civilian community is encouraged to remain calm as the security has taken charge of the situation and soon or later will neutralize the perpetrators in all ways possible.