By Kinyera Anthony Lakomekec Residents of Angagura and the neighboring areas are at peace after the Uganda People Defense Force (UPDF) officers protecting the Aswa power station project were reshuffled with new ones due to their alleged acts of torturing locals.
Earlier on, locals complained a lot about the soldiers that they were torturing and extorting money from locals.
This however prompted leaders at various capacity to intervened.
Freddy Stephen Okello, chairperson III for Angagura sub county previously, confirmed the torture of locals by the soldiers deployed to guard the ranch in the areas of more than ten villages including; Burlobo, Pungole, among others.
Justine Ocen, Vice chairperson Pader district stated that reports from the locals in regards to the harassments and torture were overwhelming. He added that these armed men were reported to be beating locals like animals.
Justine on harassments/torture reported earlier (Eng.)
However, Okello confirmed the stability today, by saying that there is stability and no torture case have been reported to his office since the soldiers were replaced within the given days, and locals are at ease, doing their daily activities as normal.
Okello on peace at the sub county (Luo)
Leaders of Angagura sub county and the district earlier, gave the commanders to reshuffle the soldiers in two weeks' time in the late January of 2022 as investigation into the matter is taken care off.